So, you’ve got a lot on your plate. Not only is Christmas fast approaching but you’re expecting the arrival of your child too, and yes, they really could make an appearance on the BIG day! Fear not, hospitals stay open, midwives will be on duty and taxi cabs will be on standby so you will get to the labour ward on time!
But what about all the kit you need on top of the Christmas spending? Have you already taken the plunge and kitted your nursery out or are you waiting for the January sales to hit and go for the post- Christmas splurge?
There’s no right or wrong answer when it comes to buying stuff for your baby before they arrive. It’s entirely up to you but what you could think about, especially if you want to manage the purse strings at an already expensive time of year, is to consider what you actually need straight off the bat.
First and foremost you’ll need a car seat. It is a mandatory piece of kit in order to be discharged from hospital if travelling home by car (including taxis). You’ll also need warm clothes for the baby, hats too, its not just a cold time of year but babies struggle to regulate their inner thermometers so layering is key. Haven’t got somewhere set up at home for the baby to nap in yet? Don’t panic, they are not ready for a full night’s sleep for a good few months so a fully functioning nursery isn’t necessary at this stage but having a sleepy head, Moses basket or carry cot from your pram are all good options. And you’ll need a changing mat with plenty of nappies (reusable or disposable). You don’t even need wipes as cotton wool and water are perfect for cleaning up at this age.
So what about a pram, surely this is essential? Well, yes, of course you’ll be wanting to take your baby out at some stage but honestly, especially if it’s your first, you won’t be rushing out anywhere. Partners, friends, family and even your neighbour Joy from across the street who you’ve probably only ever waved at until now, will be falling over themselves to help you out. Leaving you the most important job of healing and caring for your little baby in their fourth trimester. Possibly, a better investment at this stage is in a soft sling, one where baby can stay cradled up close to mum and dad. If you’re ready to leave the house, or have no option due to an older sibling or reduced support network, it’s an easy way to get out and about. I practiced sling wearing before my babies’ were born so I was more confident by the time they came along and both of mine loved it.
My top tip is to just ease yourself in gently to parenthood and once your baby is here you’ll get a better understanding of what you will need from your pram. Are you planning to walk to lots of places or are you a little more remote and will be driving far more frequently? What about supermarket trips, are you an avid online shopper or perhaps your day, like mine did, would benefit from a little daily trip to break it up and help you get out of the house? When you’re trying to leave the house, are there steps to navigate, narrow passage ways, communal areas etc. Once you get a glimpse of what life looks like with a new born in tow it’ll be much easier to choose the right pram for you.
It can be an overwhelming time so I am always available for advice, you can dm me on Instagram or Facebook @buggyparkuk or email me at [email protected] and I’d be happy to guide you through best options for your lifestyle and budget.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, big love to all the expecting parents out there and all the best for safe and healthy deliveries (and not just the ones from Amazon!)
Nina x